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UK Air Passenger Duty

UK Air Passenger Duty (APD) is an excise duty charged on the carriage of passengers on flights departing from the United Kingdom. Business jets and private aircraft with MTOW over 5.7 tonnes (12,500 lbs) lost their exemption status in 2013. As such, Aircraft Operators are now legally required to register and pay Air Passenger Duty if they operate a fixed wing plane from any UK airport that:

  • weighs 5.7 tonnes (12,500 lbs) or more

  • is fuelled by kerosene

  • carries passengers, whether they have paid for the flight or not

The amount of duty is based on the aircraft's MTOW, seating capacity, seat pitch, and the flight's final destination.

- Operators who carry out less than 12 UK departures per year and pay less than £5,000 in duty anually are required to submit their report and pay any duty due within 7 days of each flight.

- Operators who carry out 12 and more UK departures per year, or pay more than £5,000 in duty anually are also required to appoint a UK-based authorized representatitve.


FLY COMPLY is prepared to assume the position of your UK-based representative, and help you calculate your Air Passenger Duty liability.

Contact us today to appoint FLY COMPLY as you UK APD Administrative Representative and submit your UK APD return through our portal.

Become Compliant



UK APD legislation requires you to appoint an authorized UK-based administrator. FLY COMPLY will act on your behalf to ensure your flights remain compliant.

Simple Calculations



Our system automatically calculates your APD amount, based on your individual circumstances (aircraft type, seat pitch, and flight destination) so you pay the correct amount. No more, no less.

Accounting Support



We keep your accounting department happy by issuing clear and consise APD statements.

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